


Marina Nikitina

Artist of Russia, the winner of the International festival of a modern choreography in Vitebsk, the student of 6 and 7 international competitions of dance in Paris.
Has ended the Moscow school of an Olympic reserve on art gymnastics (the master of sports). The hobby for modern dancing art has led to M.Nikitina to work in various independent Moscow troupes in which executed solo parts in ballets: "Forgive, the people orthodox" (music - R.Schedrin), "Night on a bald mountain" (music - M.Musorgsky) etc.
Since 1994 Marina Nikitina works in modern troupe of theatre "Ballet "Moscow" Nikolay Basina. At theatre executes ballet compositions, numbers ("In space of love", "Totem", "Do not leave me") and leading parties in ballets: "Wanderers", "Whence and where?", The Golden Cockerel", "Shows", "Force-majeur" etc.
In 1999 she has ended балетмейстерский HOST faculty (the head of a course - the professor, the honoured worker of arts of Russia O.G.Tarasova). One-act ballet "Edit Piaf became its choreographic debut: about what I do not feel sorry Е", staged for theatre Ballet " Moscow" in which has executed a title part.
Together with group of modern dance "Ballet" Moscow "repeatedly participated in the International festivals of modern dance, left on tour to Israel, the republic of South Africa, China, Germany, Armenia, to France, etc.


Roman Andrejkin

The winner of the National theatrical award "Gold Mask". Has ended Moscow the state university of culture (choreography faculty). During study danced at "the Russian theatre of national dance" under the direction of Michael Murashko. Being the student of 4th course has started to dance in modern troupe of theatre Ballet "Moscow "Nikolay Basina. Successfully having mastered repertoire, gradually became one of leading executors of troupe.
On a scene of theatre of R. Andrejkin performs parts: Marseilles, Pol in ballet "Edit Piaf: about what I am not sorry Е" (statement - Marina Nikitinа), Melkiades in ballet "Makondo" (a choreography - Roman Kisluhin), takes part in performances: "Whence and where?" (A choreography - Van of the Sou, China), "Shows" "Golden Cockerel" (a choreography - Ivan Fadeev), "Is necessary" (a choreography - the Novel Kisluhin), "Na", "Ja-Block-O", "Mat" (a choreography - the Face of Shevchenko), etc.
In 2001 the Dutch choreographer Pol Selvin Norton has charged to the Novel the main man's party in ballet "Breaking" which usually in this performance executes itself. In 2002 R.Andrejkin became the winner of the national theatrical award "Gold Mask" in a nomination "Best man's role". In 2003 he has performed the main part in ballet "Spring sacred" I.Stravinskogo (a choreography - Rezhis Obadja, France).
Together with group of modern dance Ballet "Moscow "Nikolay Basina repeatedly participated in the International festivals of modern dance, left on tour to Israel, the republic of South Africa, China, Turkey, etc.

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